To listen to the voicemail after reading the transcription, tap the Play button.

You’ll see a paragraph of text above the voicemail play button. If you have any doubts or suggestions let us know via the comment section below. Tap Voicemail at the bottom of the screen. I h ope this article will be useful for you. If your iPhone is under any warranty status, then you can contact Apple Support for further Repair or Replacement. Note: This action will reset all Wi-Fi Networks & Passwords, APN & VPN Settings, and Cellular Settings of your iPhone.

to enable voice over, go to: Settings > Accessibility > VoiceOver If the speak button isnt appear when you select.
#Talk to text iphone not working install
Then select “Install” to download and install the Instagram app.Tap the “X” symbol at the top left corner of the app.Press and hold the Instagram App until it blinks.If you don’t have the time to type out a message, you can just speak what you want to say directly to your device. Solution 7: Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram App Kaitlin Simpson - JanuTalk to text, also known as dictation, is a handy feature available on all iOS devices. Now tap on the “Update” next to the Instagram app.Tap on the “Updates” at the bottom of the screen.Then, press and hold the “Side Button” until the Apple Logo appears.Press the “Volume Down button” and release it.

Press the “Volume Up button” and release it.Press and hold the Power and Volume Down Button at the same time until the Apple logo appears. Hold both buttons until the screen turns to “black” and wait until the Apple Logo appears.Note: You can turn off automatic punctuation by going to Settings > General > Keyboard, then turning off Auto-Punctuation. As you speak to insert text, iPhone automatically inserts punctuation for you. Press and hold the “Home Button” and “Power Button” simultaneously. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard, then turn on Enable Dictation.After your iPhone turns off, press and hold the Power button until the Apple Logo appears.Drag the slider to turn off your device.Press and hold the Power Button until the slider appears.Now you can see all the apps that are running in the background.Either you can hold the app until seeing the minus symbol and tap on the (-) minus symbol to close the app or swipe up the app to close.When you will get the closed apps, leave your fingers from the screen. Swipe up the screen from the bottom left corner to the middle of the screen.Respond back if you need continued support with this. Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. Follow the steps under the Get help" section of that support article if no sound was recorded in Voice Memos. To test out your microphone, try making a recording in the Voice Memos app as seen here: If the microphones on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch aren't working. Speech Controller: Show the controller for quick access to Speak Screen and Speak on Touch.
Speak Screen: To hear the entire screen, swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen. Adjust any of the following: Speak Selection: To hear text you selected, tap the Speak button. If dictation also did not work in the Notes app, this may be an issue related to your microphone. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Spoken Content.